Journal of Cyprus Studies <p><em>The Journal of Cyprus Studies is a publication of EMU-CCS (Centre for Cyprus Studies) which was launched in 1995. It is multi-disciplinary, refereed and bilingual journal (both in English and Turkish) published biannually. The Journal of Cyprus Studies is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Cyprus issues at a global level. It plays an active role in the development of an authoritative archive and bibliography of sources and the provision of a scholarly, academic forum for the analysis, exchange, and critique of ideas on social, cultural, historical, environmental, political and legal matters relevant to the past, present or future of Cyprus.</em></p> en-US (To be assigned) (PhD. Arş. Gör. Nessma Al-Hammadi) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:15:38 +0200 OJS 60