Woman Existence in the Rural Population of Turkey


  • Özlem Sertkaya-Doğan
  • Güven Şahin İstanbul Üniversitesi




Rural population, female population, metropolitan municipalities, Turkey


The level of development throughout the world is explained on the basis of various criteria population are some of these development indicators. For many countries, the rural population and the characteristics of this population are accepted as an important indicator of development.  Also, in Turkey, focusing the rural population particularly on the issue of rehabilitation since the founding of the Republic remained on the agenda. Indeed, the rural population in Turkey since the first years of the Republic showed a great change and transformation in terms of both quantitative and qualitative. The continuous contraction of the share of the rural population in the face of the urban population, the change in the rural labor force and finally some changes in the administrative sense, led to the situation of addressing the rural population and especially the female population from a significantly different perspective. Finally, in 2012, in accordance with Law No. 6360, Metropolitan Municipality 30 Metropolitan Municipalities organized in Turkey, rural population in these cities was adopted as 0 (zero). In addition to the many disadvantages of this situation, there are drawbacks to criticism in terms of ignoring the presence of women, which constitutes the largest part of the informal labor force in rural areas. It is debatable that rural women, who are deprived of their social rights and have a low level of awareness and quality of life, are inaccessible with the relevant law in comparison with the relatively urban women. In this study, the state of the overall presence of women in rural areas as a result of administrative arrangements with the relevant distribution in Turkey explained the outlines of the female population in the metropolitan municipalities in rural areas was discussed.




How to Cite

Sertkaya-Doğan, Özlem, & Şahin, G. (2021). Woman Existence in the Rural Population of Turkey. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 22(1), 41–66. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v22i1.121