'Justice for Şule Çet': Review of Twitter Data with Critical Discourse Analysis Model


  • Zihniye Okray European University of Lefke




Femicide, Twitter, discourse analysis, Şule Çet, rape


Woman's murders are an important problem waiting to be solved not only in Turkey but globally. Woman murders is the most popular definition of the concept “femicide” in Turkish literature. In the simplest sense, the term woman murder refers to the phenomenon that a woman is being killed only because she is a woman. In this study, following the murder of Şule Çet, the micro-blog social networking site Twitter data is analyzed retrospectively and analyzed with critical discourse analysis. The examination and analysis of micro-blog with the hashtag “Justice for Şule Çet” revealed such findings as the justice system in Turkey is a masculine one, that sexual lives of women, their being single and working, their distance from their parents, and their outfits are seen as factors which legitimize rape and murder. As a result of the examinations, reference is made to the rapes and murders committed in Turkey in recent years and calls are made to provide justice. In addition, sexual harassment conducted to privileged groups are condemned


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How to Cite

Okray, Z. (2020). ’Justice for Şule Çet’: Review of Twitter Data with Critical Discourse Analysis Model. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 21(2), 59–83. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v21i2.125