‘Medical’ Childbirth versus ‘Natural’ Childbirth: Discussions about Cesarean Section in the Readers’ Comments


  • Çağla Kubilay




C-section, body, medicalization, control, natural, cultural


Both governments and public health organizations consider the ever-increasing rates of C-section, which is one of the tangible implementations of medicalization of reproductive systems of women, as a serious problem. Turkey has one of the world’s highest cesarean rates and the rapid increase of cesarean delivery has been a basis for justification of law amendment. The limitation of elective C-section, however, has led to controversy. In this paper readers’ comments to news about statements made by government officials that cesarean delivery without medical reason should be limited and discussions about this regulation are analyzed. By examining the readers’ comments, this study aims to reveal how commentators comprehend the medicalization of childbirth, how they signify medical interventions and establish dichotomies between normal and medical, natural and cultural. For this purpose, all comments published in the web site of Hürriyet newspaper, starting from 25 May 2012 to the end of the year, are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Kubilay, Çağla. (2016). ‘Medical’ Childbirth versus ‘Natural’ Childbirth: Discussions about Cesarean Section in the Readers’ Comments. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 17(2), 83–108. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v17i2.212