Examining the Relationships Between Perceived Discrimination, Relative Deprivation and Collective Action of Women
Gender, perceived discrimination, relative deprivation, collective action, political viewAbstract
Worldwide, women are exposed to discrimination, violence and inequality of opportunity on the basis of gender roles and perceptions. The negative attitudes and behaviors that women are exposed to are related to their collective actions. In this context, the present study aimed to examine the relationships between women's perceptions of gender-based discrimination, relative deprivation and their collective actions within the framework of women's rights, and to examine the role of their political views in these relations. The sample of the present study consists of 328 volunteer woman participants from various parts of Turkey. The Scales of Relative Deprivation, Perceived Discrimination, Political View, Collective Action and Collective Action Intention were administered to the participants. Obtained results showed that women's perceptions of gender discrimination positively predicted their perceived relative deprivation, and their perceived relative deprivation positively predicted their intention to join a non-governmental organisation related to women rights; it was also found that political views play a moderator role in these relations.
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