A Study of a Feminist Film Titled Geriye Kalan: An Examination of Female Characters





woman filmmakers, woman's film, gender, Turkish cinema


The purpose of this study is to show how female filmmakers exploration of women's issues and female representation in their films can vary. In this context, the film Geriye Kalan directed by one of the female directors of modern Turkish cinema, Çiğdem Vitrinel is explored through female characters. Geriye Kalan is a recent example of a feminist film that examines women's stories by focusing on marriage-family- children relationships and issues in male -female relationships. In addition, the film focusses on whether married women are happy about the roles and responsibilities imposed on them by the patriarchal system, and whether the women have courage to escape their roles and responsibilities. This study looks at how women directors construct their themes, and how they provide an arena for expression of female characters.


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How to Cite

Zengin, G. G. (2017). A Study of a Feminist Film Titled Geriye Kalan: An Examination of Female Characters. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 18(2), 55–68. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v18i2.252