From the Perspective of Potential Man Entrepreneurs on Woman Entrepreneurship


  • Umut Sanem Çitçi
  • Pınar Memiş Sağır



woman, man, entrepreneurship, potential entrepreneurs, neoliberalism, ZMET technique, collage


The study focuses on woman entrepreneurship is a type of entrepreneurship. Woman entrepreneurship is examined in the study as a consideration of female labor is approved by neo-liberal policies. The research question is to what extent gender stereotypes is affected on woman entrepreneurship in a field where is generated by neo-liberal discourse. The background of the research question involves a questioning is related to the social consent of woman entrepreneurship. The questioning is transferred into practice through the foci of potential man entrepreneurs who have education in universities. The university implies to a field which has heavily been influenced by neo-liberal policies and to an institution which takes an active role in expanding the entrepreneurial mission; male students as a shade of sex are preferred to discern the effect of the gender stereotypes regarding woman entrepreneurship. The aim/claim of the study is to display how potential man entrepreneurs respond to woman entrepreneurs if they do apply gender stereotypes or do use marketing discourse. In the study, in-depth knowledge is introduced related to the research question and objective and for this purposes, as an interpretive method, the technique of ZMET is selected. For the inquiry, a volunteer group is consisting of male students have graduated has been selected from a university in keeping with the model of the entrepreneurial university. By these students as adopted 'potential man entrepreneurs', using pictures selected for the purposes by the researchers were asked to make a collage depicting woman entrepreneurs. For analyzing, it is used the classification of Carter and Malow (2007: 14) in order to discover the dimensions are identified representing woman entrepreneurship by male students. After participants evaluate the images, which are placed on collage, researchers interpret the findings according to the classification. Based on the collages, ...


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How to Cite

Çitçi, U. S., & Memiş Sağır, P. (2017). From the Perspective of Potential Man Entrepreneurs on Woman Entrepreneurship. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 18(1), 41–62.