Vigilante Violence against Women in Turkey: A Sociological Analysis




vigilantism, violence against women, backlash politics, body, Turkey


This study examines one of the disturbing political developments over the last years and one that has not received scholarly attention: the rise of vigilantism against women in Turkey. Building on the empirical data on vigilante incidents, I show that vigilantism in Turkey is an exclusively masculine practice carried out by individual men or small groups of men who, calling upon a moral order or higher moral sovereignties, target nonpious-looking women navigating the public places in densely populated big cities. By locating vigilantism in the larger dynamics of gender politics, I argue that vigilantism delineates the emergent dynamics of the current backlash against women’s agency in Turkey, a backlash that manifests itself as a masculinist enforcement of morality in public.


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How to Cite

Sarıoğlu, E. (2017). Vigilante Violence against Women in Turkey: A Sociological Analysis. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 19(2), 51–68.