The Effect of Feminist Discourse on Islamic Women’s Literature




feminist discourse, Islamic feminism, Islamic woman, Islamic women’s literature, feminist theology


This article focuses on the works of Islamic women writers who contribute to feminist literature. The article identifies these works as Islamic women literature, and analyzes the effects of feminist discourse on this literature. Firstly, the article discusses the influence process of feminist discourse on Muslim women world and how Muslim women intellectuals position themselves in this process. Later, the main approaches of Islamic women literature are discussed in terms of key concepts in feminist criticism such as patriarchy, gender and sexism. Different from Muslim secular feminists, Islamic women writers emphasize the influence of tradition on the discourses against women, and they argue the necessity of re-reading sacred texts from a womenfriendly perspective. The article finally argues the possibility of this literature to be a feminist theology, and refers to the limited effects of western feminist discourse on Islamic women literature.


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How to Cite

Güç, A. (2017). The Effect of Feminist Discourse on Islamic Women’s Literature. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 19(2), 117–149.