A Research on Women Journalists in the New Media within the Framework of Cyberfeminism


  • Selin Kiraz Demir İstanbul Aydın University




Gender, Women Journalist, Women in New Media


Recently, new media channels have become highly preferred in terms of presenting feedback, which is one of the most important stages of communication processes, to the source in the most real and fastest way. Today, it can be said that platforms such as YouTube have transformed current viewing practices. However, the videos published in these channels, regardless of the content, and there is no censorship mechanism, can also make gender-based sexist discourses more easily spread in the comments, since they also offer the viewer the opportunity to hide their own identity. In the study, the comments made on the episode where the female journalist Nevşin Mengü was the guest of the program called See Me, prepared and presented by producer Armağan Çağlayan to be broadcast on YouTube, have been analyzed from a gender perspective with content analysis method. The rates of male or female users in gender-oriented discourses, whether the users openly use their identities, and the use of sexist discourse as an insult or an unconscious compliment are among the subjects included in the research. It is thought that this research can provide a perspective on the sources of sexist discourses that women journalists are exposed to through the contents published in new media channels.

Keywords: Gender, Women Journalists, Women in New Media


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How to Cite

Kiraz Demir, S. (2022). A Research on Women Journalists in the New Media within the Framework of Cyberfeminism. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 23(1), 133–154. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v23i1.352