Analyzing Women's Birth Experiences from a Feminist Perspective


  • Merve Yılmazbilek -



birth, motherhood, patriarchy, capitalism, feminism


This study aims to analyze the patriarchal capitalist elements embedded in women's birth experiences. In this direction, it evaluates how birth is constructed by patriarchal culture and capitalism in connection with motherhood, what it means for women and how it is experienced in line with this meaning. While this study, based on feminist methodology, was conducted through in-depth interviews with 21 women, feminist methodological principles were adhered to throughout the research process. This study, which reveals the patriarchal elements in women's birth experiences with a feminist analysis, also questions whether women can struggle with patriarchal oppression.


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How to Cite

Yılmazbilek, M. (2023). Analyzing Women’s Birth Experiences from a Feminist Perspective. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 24(1), 55–76.