Walking the Squatters on the City Streets: Mobility in Women’s Narrations


  • Leyla Bektaş Ata Kadir Has University




women’s narrations, urbanity, right to the city, mobility, squatter, İzmir


This research aims to identify right to the city of women who live in a squatter neighborhood in İzmir. It depends on two different field studies. In 2017, for my doctoral study, I listened to the life stories of women living in this neighborhood. A significant proportion of the first-generation women have limited urban experience although three decades has passed since their settlement. They have not yet been to many important locations, is considerable. In the second fieldwork I conducted in 2019, I interviewed ten women about their urban experiences at home and observed their daily activities. At this stage, I identified the urban spaces that they had not visited yet, and then I visited these places with the women. In the second interview I held after a while, I asked the women to describe their experiences of the place. In this research, I analyze the effects of economic constraints, participation in business life, having children, having urban experience, losing familiarity in the neighborhood, living within the borders of the home and working informally on women's mobility. I follow each theme through a woman’s life story and mobility narration.


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How to Cite

Bektaş Ata, L. (2023). Walking the Squatters on the City Streets: Mobility in Women’s Narrations. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 23(2), 69–88. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v23i2.395