Female Circumcision against the Backdrop of Istanbul Convention


  • Nüket Örnek Büken




female circumcision, female genital mutilation (FMG), clitoridectomy, misogyny, Istanbul Convention


Between social activists and feminists, the fight against female circumcision (Female Genital Mutilation) is an important policy objective. FGM, sometimes referred to as female circumcision or female genital cutting, is to cut down the clitoris of girls and women to reduce their sexual desires and to protect their sexual dignity before marriage. There is also a slight confusion over the two concepts that are defined as female genital mutilation and female circumcision. In fact, although two terms can be used interchangeably, it is also obvious that they carry two different connotations. The practice that is said to be common in Muslim countries is a huge cost: many girls die from blood loss or infection. Most have become traumatized. Survivors may experience adverse health effects during marriage and pregnancy. New information from Iraqi Kurdistan reveals that the problem is also widespread in the Middle East.

This article will be preceded by relevant concepts / terminology and will be assessed for the different methods / types applied. Later on, the reason for this process will be the importance in terms of history and religions, the clitoridectomy in the West, the relationship with this woman's sexuality and misogyny, and the female circumcision will be examined under the Istanbul Convention.


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How to Cite

Örnek Büken, N. (2019). Female Circumcision against the Backdrop of Istanbul Convention. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 20(1), 17–42. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v20i1.48