A Research on the Problems of Women in Maritime Education


  • Dinçer Bayer
  • Öznur Şahin Nardalı




maritime industry, female seafarers, higher education institutions


Today, women have begun to appear in jobs that had been previously employed entirely by men. Maritime is one of these businesses. The number of women working on ships is steadily increasing. Nonetheless, however, seafarer is the general name called for the person working on ships still remains a male-dominated profession. Accordingly, women working on ships sometimes suffer from difficulties in view of the fact that the jobs they are doing, the environment they work in and the outputs expected from the work are arranged especially for men. Today, for sea-going duties, women are educated in the higher education institutions in Turkey under the graduate, undergraduate and associate degree programs. These programs educate cadets who will work on board regardless of whether they are male or female. The problem encountered by women on ships is any way reflected in the educational institutions. Additionally, woman cadets are also experiencing problems in the higher education institutions arising from the values and prejudices of the social structure. In the study; the preference of women for maritime programs and the problems that women undergo in the higher education institutions are evaluated based on the research made in a higher education institution. The aim of the study is to identify the problems of female students studying in maritime programs in Turkey and to propose remedies for these problems. The study includes basic concepts and explanations of women's maritime employment opportunities, working conditions and difficulties encountered during the education. In the study, the nımber of women relative to men having education on maritime programs in a university is to be examined as well. At the end of the study, evaluations and proposals for the future are reported.


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How to Cite

Bayer, D., & Şahin Nardalı, Öznur. (2019). A Research on the Problems of Women in Maritime Education. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 20(1), 59–74. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v20i1.49