The Expression of Non-Binary Sexual Identities in Contemporary Art Practice


  • Ebru Dede



contemporary art, sexual identity, postfeminism


Postfeminist theorists and artists aim at deconstructing the limits of sexual identity produced by the Powers and the cultural norms as an integrity of masculine and feminine. The Works and the performances of contemporary artists make visible the real queer life as well as the investigations of philosophy, psychoanalysis and cultural discussions. They unmask the matters of bodies and show how sexual differences are naturally possible. The actions of these artists aim to surpass the hierarcies that regard them as abnormal politically and call for a new social environment. In this article, the Works of contemporary art and performances have been interpreted in relation to the postfeminist theories, artists talks and texts. In the section of Psychoanalysis, Poststructuralism and Sexual Identities in Contemporary Art, Derrida’s concept of ‘différance’, Freud and Lacan’s sexual identiy research are included, and also the contemporary art has been approached with respect to its contribution to sexual identity difference. In the section of The Signs of Performative Body: Undesired Gender, Lazlo Pearlman’s unexpected body performance, Tai Lin’s painting aiming at establishing emonational connection with the viewers, Taner Ceylan’s painting explaining two souls looking inside and outside and the gay couple Elmgreen and Dragset’s work that depicts gays as ordinary people have been interpreted based on Judith Butler’s performative body theory. In the section of Examples of Contemporary Art on Transformation of The Codes Related the Body, Nina Arsenault’s body transformation from man to woman by several operations, David LaChapelle’s manipulation in which he added a penis to the woman looking like a Venus with photoshop, Marc Quinn’s sculpture of Thomas Beatie who decided to be pregnant after her sex change operation and JEB (Joan Elizabeth Biren)’s photography shows two lesbians investigating each other’s bodies have been discussed in accordance with Foucault’s view which defends ...


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How to Cite

Dede, E. (2017). The Expression of Non-Binary Sexual Identities in Contemporary Art Practice. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 18(2), 1–29.