Vol. 19 No. 43 (2017): Journal of Cyprus Studies

Readers of the 43rd issue of the Journal of Cyprus Studies (JCS) find a rich collection of five scholarly articles and one book review contributing knowledge and cultural awareness of Cyprus to the world. This issues’ articles broadly address the prevailing circumstances of Cyprus in regards to economics, natural resources, migration, disenfranchisement, privatization, and urban landmarks. These days, while discussions of a political resolution for the island continue, the power struggle between Turks and Greeks has hot topics, especially one directed at natural resource management and its associated political and economic dimensions. In this issue of JCS, Bahadır Kaynak points to the importance of these new circumstances as a strong incentive for Turks, Greeks, and Cypriots to cooperate and realize full potential in the energy game. Similarly, in Hasan Deveci’s article, the author indicates export of energy from the region to Europe via Turkey is economically the most viable option and relates his findings to the two feasible political alternatives for the island. Tangentially, a third article questions the current socio-economic circumstances of North Cyprus by highlighting the dramatic termination of Cyprus Turkish Airlines, which was a national airline and one of the few legendary institutions of Turkish Cypriots. In this article, Fatma Güven Lisaniler, Fehiman Eminer, and Hasan Rüstemoğlu focus on the effects of privatization of companies on employment and monetary welfare loss on their workers. Also, in JCS 43, two articles direct attention to the challenging topic of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Cyprus. The article written by Devrim Yücel Besim and Ayer Kaşif deals with physical artifacts produced, maintained, and intergenerationally transferred within the Turkish Cypriot community. In their article, they select and present fourteen monuments as distinctive urban components of the built environment of North Nicosia. These monuments, from during and after the 1960s, are documented and reported as forms of public art. In the other article covering cultural heritage, Hanife Aliefendioğlu and Béla Vizvári write about the life of İsmail Cemal, a Turkish Cypriot who immigrated to Australia and then returned to Cyprus. Within his life story, the recent socio-political history of the island is crisscrossed and conveyed. The article stimulatingly demonstrates how people can transform their native environments with life experiences gained abroad, and it is a valuable contribution to the intangible cultural heritage of the island. Appropriately, JSC 43 also introduces a book written by Janine Teerling, which is about the experiences of Britain-born Cypriots whose parents had migrated from Cyprus. Here, Netice Yıldız comprehensively introduces and reviews this book that is based on an ethnographic study. JCS 43 is prepared for publication with the invaluable efforts of these devoted persons. The tremendous effort, everlasting patience, and scholarly the austerity of the authors and referees make this journal thrive and well-regarded in the international arena. At this point, I would like to thank all the authors, referees, and the book reviewer for their generosity, tolerance, and dignity. And, I hope you enjoy reading the articles in JCS 43, as much as we enjoy sharing the current issues from Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean Region. We truly hope that readers who have benefited intellectually or in their cultural awareness from JCS 43 will continue their connections with the Journal for Cyprus Studies more than ever.
With gratitude,
Prof. Dr. Hıfsiye Pulhan