Vol. 13 No. 32 (2007): Journal of Cyprus Studies

This archival issue is entirely devoted to the text Terrorism in Cyprus, which has been
out of print since being first published in 1956 by the Secretary of State for the
Colonies. Terrorism in Cyprus is a compilation of documents that includes extracts
from Grivas' Diary, the correspondence between Grivas and the EOKA organization,
and the explanatory notes of the Colonial Office on these exposed
documents. Doubtless, it is an important document from the modern history of
Cyprus and surely needs to be read carefully. A short introduction by Jan Asmussen
provides information on the content, intent and importance of the document. As these
are "selected" extracts—and when seen necessary even commented on in italics in the
text—they are partial but nonetheless shed light on the colonial policies of the British
and, to a certain extent, reveal Grivas' mind and the dealings of the EOKA during a
particularly stressful period. The translator of the documents is unknown. The text has
been carefully edited in order to remain as faithful as is practically possible both to its
first layout and to the language of the document. One major difference is that the
photos are not included in this edition due to problems of their quality of resolution.
For the sake of accuracy and future scholarship mistakes in place-names and personalnames
appear as they did in the original document. We gratefully acknowledge the
assistance of Jan Asmussen who contributed valuable time and expert knowledge to
this project. As usual, we would also like to thank the Center of Cyprus Studies and
the staff of the Eastern Mediterranean University Printing House.
Özlem Çaykent