Vol. 13 No. 33 (2007): Journal of Cyprus Studies

In this issue of the Journal we have again many valuable articles. Two are on the
history of the island: one on the power of women during the Lusignan period, and
another on the projects of opening a Maltese colony on the island, which gives us
further clues to the island’s complex past. These are followed by questions on
representations of history and politics by tourist guides and another theoretical/critical
article on the state of Humanities on the island. In our notes section we have an article
which reminds us of three churches that have been recently been released from a
military zone within the walls of the old town of Famagusta in which they have been
enclosed for more then 30 years. Furthermore, as usual we have reviews of some of
the latest books on Cyprus and a women studies literature/activity review that will be
of great value to the field of study.
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Michael Walsh, Kevin
McGinley and Özge Ejder who spared their valuable time to read some of the
articles. Thanks are also going, as usual, to the Centre of Cyprus Studies and the staff
of the Eastern Mediterranean University Printing House. Finally, my friends in the
editorial board and I would like to express our greatest debt to, and sorrow for the loss
of, our dear friend and colleague William W. Kimbrel who passed away 9 November.
Indeed, he was not only an invaluable and perceptive member of our team but also a
very dear friend. With the significant assistance and contributions of his friends in it,
we would like to dedicate this issue to him.
Özlem Çaykent