Vol. 15 No. 36 (2009): Journal of Cyprus Studies

This archival issue is a continuation of our issue number 34 which was prepared by our guest editors Emre Aykoç, Sanem Yamak and Suat Söylemez. Our current issue is the third section of the series of documents from the Republican Period Prime Ministry Archives that covers the years between 1960-7. Similar to the previous issue these are a compilation of documents including reports of communications and newsletters, letters and telegrams from foreign and domestic state officials as well as ordinary citizens and civil society organizations from both Turkey and Cyprus, reacting to issues relating to Cyprus. We believe that this second volume is as valuable as primary documents regarding the period of the island as the first one and would like to thank Aykoç, Yamak and Söylemez again for their contribution as well as everyone else who has helped this issue to be published.
Özlem Çaykent