Vol. 16 No. 38 (2010): Journal of Cyprus Studies

This issue emerged as an idea from a conversation with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soyalp Tamçelik on the new negotiation process, a unified Cyprus and possible new constitutions. As a matter of fact he has agreed on putting together an issue around these topics. The aim is to open renewed discussion on citizenship, rights and constitution, whether this is Unitarian or Federal. In doing this our authors offered their perspective by looking at the Cyprus ‘Issue’ form different angles through its various phases. During this period of resumed negotiations we believe that such discussions are important, especially with the first talks taking place between the Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias and recently-elected Turkish Cypriot leader Derviş Eroğlu. Thus, special thanks go to our guest editor Soyalp Tamçelik as well as to the authors for their valuable
contributions. Finally, since this is the last issue I am the chief editor, I would like to express hereby my gratitude to everyone at the Centre of Cyprus Studies, our colleagues at the EMU Press - Printing House, but especially my friends in the editorial board of the Journal who helped make the editing of issues a success in the past couple of years. Last but not least, I would like to thank all our contributors. Thank you all for your
understanding, the support shown and the help given.
Özlem Çaykent