Vol. 17 No. 40 (2013): Journal of Cyprus Studies

As the new editor, I am delighted to address the readers of the Journal of Cyprus Studies -JCS which is one of the prominent academic journals publishing papers solely relevant to Cyprus studies since 1995. After a short pause, JCS has again started to be regularly published with a renewed content and image for a competitive status in its field. In the renewed vision of the JCS, the subject matter, Cyprus is considered as an inseparable entity of Mediterranean Medina and it is not limited only with geographic and temporal boundaries of the
island. In a broader context, Mediterranean studies which aim cross-cultural, comparative or this sort of interrelating approaches asserting particular associations with Cyprus are also welcomed. At the same time, content of the journal is aimed to be enriched with papers from different fields and not merely limited to the political sciences mainly with a target to contribute to the peace process of the island and other topics to enlighten the island’s culture. Apart from, JCS has now a new image, a new look. With the renewed format, JCS aims to capture the attention of readers by providing an eye-pleasing legible page layout and size. It distinguishes itself with an enduring elegance in design, typography, photography and illustrations as well as scholarly articles and book reviews. This issue contains three articles from different fields of interests together with a book review on a very recent publication. One of the articles by Bülent Temel explains reasons of enduring dispute on Northern Cyprus and proposes measures to increase the prospects of resolution in the future. In the article, game theoretic models are utilized for further discussions about the public opinion polls on the Greek and Turkish sides of the island prior to the two referendums on the Annan Plan in 2004. The second article by Peter Clarke is about Nevvar Hickmet who became the first Cypriot to qualify as a member of the prestigious Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in 1936. By
basing on original documents, he vividly explained his lifetime success as a journey in place and time, from Nicosia to London during 87 years. Peter Clarke introduces Nevvar Hickmet as one of the successful graduates and business man in the United Kingdom also became a role model and example for other Cypriots immigrated to London in those years. In the third article by Nazım Kaşot, findings about the biology of a specific turtle species (Mauremys rivulata) disappearing due to rapid urbanization in Cyprus are presented. The article introduces the characteristics of these turtles and their natural living environments in Cyprus with a particular emphasis onto the Asi River. In the last part of JCS which is reserved for reviews on the noteworthy publications, the book which is entitled with “Kıbrıs Türk Basın Tarihi” is introduced by Prof. Dr. Süleyman Irvan. In 2013 winter, JCS reaches to its 40th issue. We consider this issue very significantly as
the latest component of the chain created by those editorial boards worked for a well-regarded JCS on the international scientific arena since 1995. At this point, I would like to thank to all those members of the boards contributing to the endurance of JCS. We are indebted to them. I would also take this opportunity also to express my thanks to Prof. Dr. Naciye Doratlı, Director of EMU Cyprus Study Center, Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Chair of the Eastern Mediterranean University Press Board and Prof. Dr. Abdullah Öztoprak, Rector of EMU for all their supports for us in regaining and maintaining this invaluable treasury. JCS, as a significant endeavor of Eastern Mediterranean University, has been recorded various thoughts and ideas for decades and continued this mission as an outstanding academic channel of communication through the past, present
and future of the island of Cyprus.
Hifsiye Pulhan