Vol. 18 No. 42 (2014): Journal of Cyprus Studies

It is my immense pleasure to present 42nd issue to the readers of the Journal of Cyprus Studies-JCS, which is one of the major international interdisciplinary resources for the professional and scholars in Cyprus Studies. Reporting internationally both research findings and the facts about Cyprus, JCS carries out a special mission since 1995 and provides a link between past and future of the island. Without a doubt, JCS attempts to influence and be nourished from the geographic region where Cyprus locates at the center. The present issue in your hands is consisted of five illuminating articles from different fields of interest ranging from history, economy, psychology, and architecture to politics. Moreover, readers of the JCS 42 cherish the book reviews of the two invaluable highly dedicated persons. From their own perspectives, Hakkı Atun and Ali Fikret Atun individually have their comments and introduce the book written by Andreas Constandinos about the Cyprus Crisis. The reviewed book particularly deals with and emphasis onto the roles of British and American Governments in the Cyprus Crisis in 1974. In this issue, it is a privilege for JCS to host those distinguished scholars and their different points of views about the topic after exactly 40 years. Within this general framework of JCS 42, the first article in this issue is about the first bank established by the Turkish Cypriot community in 1901. Authors, Ali Efdal Özkul and Yurdagül Akcansoy, shed lights onto the history of Turkish Bank as one of the most prominent institutions having strong impacts on the development of Turkish Cypriot Community. In the second article, issues corresponding with the economic life in Cyprus are pursued. Mustafa Besim in his article deals with recent economic situation in North Cyprus. He focuses on current Turkish Cypriot taxation system and suggests a tax policy reform. In the third article, Fatih Bayraktar, Lenka Dedkova and Hana Machackova examine the associations among independent self-contrual, femininity-masculinity and cyberbullying/cybervictimization among 393 university students from various national and cultural bacgrounds and enrolled in three North Cyprus universities. The authors hypothesize that independent self-construal would mediate and moderate the association between femininity-masculinity and cyberbullying/ cybervictimization. The fourth article in this issue takes us again back to the past times of Cyprus. Cemaliye Eken and Gökhan Varol remind us roles of olive oil mills in Cyprus. In the article, significances of olive and olivie oil mills in the Cypriot agrarian way of life are disscussed and current situation of the historical olive oil mills in rural regions of North Cyprus are recorded. Authors urge cautions in conserving and re-using of olive oil mills as industrial heritage. Coming to the end of the JCS 42, in the fifth article, Turgay Bülent Göktürk very vividly presents the reflections of 1963 Events in Cyprus to the parliament, Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He points out how the Grand National Assembly and the Senate of the Turkish Republic handled the issue. Respectively, views of the Turkish Government and other parties are revealed in the article by basing on records in the archives of the Parliament and Senate of the Republic in Turkey. In Spring 2014, JCS 42 has welcomed researchers contributing to the Cyprus Studies. I would like to thank them for collaborating and putting in their extra efforts and time to the process of editing this issue. We are indebted to them for maintaining academic standards and quality of the journal. I am so much thankful also to Ali Fikret Atun for his contribution to the book review section. We are privileged to have him to donate his time for JCS. Beyond the limits of appreciation, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Hakkı Atun for his invaluable contributions to JCS. We are fortunate to have his continuous support with an absolute courtesy in every occasion of JCS. We always appreciate his unfailing attention and support!
Prof. Dr. Hıfsiye Pulhan