A Review of Network to Combat Sexual Harassment and Assault at Universities: SHA Studies Book edited by Gülriz Uygur- Hülya Şimga (Eastern Mediterrenean Univeristy: Eastern Mediterrenean University Press, 2018)


  • Tümel Sabancı Student



Anahtar Kelimeler:

sexual assault- sexual harrasment- women studies- sha network


This book is a product of collective experience and solidarity based on the struggle of different groups in order to prevent sexual harassment and assault at universities. Gender inequality, which exists in many areas, also manifests itself in universities that have hierarchical relationships.

It is believed that this book will also be a guide for Women’s Studies Centers about the topic of sexual harassment and assault.  Of the 187 universities in Turkey, there are 95 Women's Research Centres. It is very vital that these centers have a feminist perspective. Universities contributed with their own Sexual Harassment and Assault prevention experiences to the book are: Ankara University, Atılım University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Eastern Mediterranean University, Dokuz Eylül University, İstanbul Koç University, Mimar Sinan University, Middle East Technical University, Sabancı University and Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. By sharing their experiences with other stakeholders, they emphasized the importance of SHA Network and intercollegiate dialogue and cooperation. It started with the question “What can be done against sexual harassment and assault at universities?” and thirteen workshops were held in six years in different universities. This book is an attempt to record and investigate exactly this process.

Another point of this book is to talk about   “the unspoken”. The problem of sexual harassment and assault occurs in almost every part of society but is "untouched" occurs on and off campus. Universities have the potential to transcend the people involved in achieving gender equality. In this book review, it is aimed to address the differences, similarities, gains and difficulties encountered in these experiences, each of which is very valuable.





Aliefendioğlu, H. & Güven, F. (2018). Kollektif Deneyimin Gücü: DAÜ KAEM’in Deneyimleriyle Cinsel Saldırı ve Tacizden Arınmış Kampüsler için Üniversite Kadın Çalışmaları Merkezlerinin İş Birliği. In, Uygur, G & Şimga, H (Ed.), Network to Combat Sexual Harassment and Assault at Universities: SHA Studies. Eastern Mediterranean University Press (57-66).

Ecevit,Y. & Başpınar,F.U. (2018) Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğine Duyarlı Bir Üniversite İkliminde Cinsel Taciz ve Saldırıyı Önleme: ODTÜ Örneği. In, Uygur, G & Şimga, H (Ed.), Network to Combat Sexual Harassment and Assault at Universities: SHA Studies. Eastern Mediterranean University Pres (97-122).

Uygur,G. & Şimya,H.(2018). Introduction. In, Uygur, G & Şimga, H (Ed.), Network to Combat Sexual Harassment and Assault at Universities: SHA Studies. Eastern Mediterranean University Press (1-9).
Songur,D. & Şimşek, A.A. (2018). Cinsiyetçilik, Cinsel Taciz ve Saldırıya Karşı Kadın Çalışma Merkezlerinin İşlevi:Bir Saha Çalışmasının Düşündürdükleri. In, Uygur, G & Şimga, H (Ed.), Network to Combat Sexual Harassment and Assault at Universities: SHA Studies. Eastern Mediterranean University Press (25-43)



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Sabancı, T. (2020). A Review of Network to Combat Sexual Harassment and Assault at Universities: SHA Studies Book edited by Gülriz Uygur- Hülya Şimga (Eastern Mediterrenean Univeristy: Eastern Mediterrenean University Press, 2018). Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 21(1), 165–170. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v21i1.165