Özenli Vatandaşlık: Feminist Özen Etiğini Yeniden Politikleştirmek


  • Zeynep Gulru Goker Sabanci University




bakım etiği, ozen etiği, demokrasi, feminizm, vatandaşlık, toplumsal cinsiyet


In the framework of feminist political theory, the article examines the contribution of care ethics to conceptions of political subjectivity and active citizenship. Borrowing insights from the feminist political critique of the masculine bias in the modern theories of universal moral reasoning, the article underlines the role of care and situated perspectives in the theory and practice of citizenship, yet departs from maternalist perspectives that lean towards essentialism and individualist perspectives that depoliticize care. The article assesses the implications of care ethics on gendered perspectives on peace and environmental movements on normative and practical levels, and argues that a conception of an egalitarian, democratic and caring citizenship that does not reproduce patriarchal gender roles can be developed with the help of a practice based democracy and citizenship education.


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How to Cite

Goker, Z. G. (2020). Özenli Vatandaşlık: Feminist Özen Etiğini Yeniden Politikleştirmek. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 21(1), 89–106. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v21i1.142