Judges Seeing Injustice: Evans v United Kingdom





Evans v the United Kingdom, care ethics, relational autonomy, gender, legal ethics


Evans v The United Kingdom case is good example of the fact that the abstract rules cannot sometimes provide substantial justice. In this regard, the interpretation of the judges is of great importance. This article discusses the role of judges to see the injustice of a case by using Evans v the United Kingdom decision. Discussions based on the theory of care ethics, relational autonomy and Gulriz Uygur’s approach “to see injustice”.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, N. (2017). Judges Seeing Injustice: Evans v United Kingdom. Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women’s Studies, 19(1), 75–84. https://doi.org/10.33831/jws.v19i1.270