Presentation and Formatting

The article must be typed, single-spaced, in Times New Roman 11pt on A4 paper with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins from all sides. All pages must be numbered for the peer-review process. The text must be left-justified. All figures and tables must be embodied in the manuscript and submitted as a separated zip file with high quality. 

  • Main title: 16pt bold Times New Roman, double spaced, after space 16
  • Heading 1: 12pt bold Times New Roman, double spaced, after space 0
  • Heading 2: 11pt bold Times New Roman, double spaced, after space 0
  • Heading 3: 11pt Times New Roman, italic, double spaced, after space 0
  • Table captions: centred, Times New Roman 10pt, before space 12. Table content must be typed (editable), single-spaced, 8-10pt, Times New Roman.
  • Figure captions: centred, Times New Roman 10pt, after space 12. Figures would be published as coloured in the online version, but must be readable in black and white for print. Make sure all figures remain readable when black and white. Figures must have acceptable quality for print, please provide all figures and tables as a separated zip file with the highest quality resolution.