About the Journal
Journal of Urban Research and Development (JURD) is a peer-reviewed international and multidisciplinary academic journal published by EMU Press on behalf of Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Urban Research and Development Center (URDC), for urban and planning issues, covering a wider range of disciplines contributing to past, current and future concerns of cities and urban development. The journal welcomes contributions from qualitative as well as quantitative research including contemporary comparative urban perspectives and case studies.
Current Issue

CyNUM 2nd Regional Conference: ‘Transformation and Conservation of Urban Form in South-Eastern Mediterranean Cities’
Praxis of Urban Peacebuilding in Famagusta Cyprus
Ceren Boğaç
A Morphological Analysis of the Urban Interface-Sculpture Relationship: The Case of Eskişehir Governmental Square-Atatürk Statue
Gürkan Okumuş
Fortifications of Enez (Ainos) and Urban Morphology: Architectural, Historical and Epigraphic Evidence Revisited
Hasan Sercan Sağlam
The Analysis of the Morphological Transformation of a Public Node; The Case of Adana Atatürk Park
Beliz Büşra Şahin
Nicosia and Its Division: a Character-Generating Role For the City
Corrado Scudellaro
Sustainable Urban Transitions Research, Policy and Practice (Author’s (Editors): Zaheer Allam)
Kasra Talebian
Full Issue
The Journal of Urban Research and Development (JURD) is a peer-reviewed international and multidisciplinary academic journal published by EMU Press on behalf of Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Urban Research and Development Center (URDC), for urban and planning issues, covering a wide range of disciplines contributing to past, current, and future concerns of cities and urban development. The journal welcomes contributions of qualitative as well as quantitative research including contemporary, comparative urban perspectives and case studies.