Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Journal of Urban Research and Development

					View Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Journal of Urban Research and Development




CyNUM 2nd Regional Conference: ‘Transformation and Conservation of Urban Form in South-Eastern Mediterranean Cities’





Praxis of Urban Peacebuilding in Famagusta Cyprus

Ceren Boğaç

A Morphological Analysis of the Urban Interface-Sculpture Relationship: The Case of Eskişehir Governmental Square-Atatürk Statue

Gürkan Okumuş

Fortifications of Enez (Ainos) and Urban Morphology: Architectural, Historical and Epigraphic Evidence Revisited

Hasan Sercan Sağlam

The Analysis of the Morphological Transformation of a Public Node; The Case of Adana Atatürk Park

Beliz Büşra Şahin

Nicosia and Its Division: a Character-Generating Role For the City

Corrado Scudellaro


Sustainable Urban Transitions Research, Policy and Practice (Author’s (Editors): Zaheer Allam)

Kasra Talebian




Published: 2023-10-30